Principal Physiotherapists
Eamonn McCole
B.App.Sc. (Physio)
M App Sc (Manip therapy)
Level III Sports Physio Certificate
APA Musculoskeletal and Sports Physiotherapist - Titled Member
APA Acupuncture Certificate
James Schapel
B.App.Sc. (Physio)
Grad Cert (Sports Physio)
APA Acupuncture Certificate
Matthew Bray
B Physiotherapy
Acupuncture and Dry Needling Certificate
Luke Mason
B Physiotherapy
Level 2 Sports Physio Certificate
Dry Needling Certificate
Associate Physiotherapists
Ross Leslie
B Physiotherapy
Dry Needling Certificate
Linda Shaw
B.App.Sc. (Physio)
B Health Sc. (Hons) (Physio)
Dry Needling Certificate
Michael Sara
B Physiotherapy
Dry Needling Certificate
Corey Watkins
B Health Sc.
M Physio (GE)
Dry Needling Certificate
Jade Stevens
B Health Sc.
M Physio (GE)
Dry Needling Certificate
Tim Kreis
B. App. Sc. (HM)
M. Physio (GE)
Level 3 Sports Certificate
Dry Needling Certificate
Xanthe Harty
B. Health Sc.
M. Physio (GE)
Lauren Gauci
B. Health Science
M. Physio (GE)
Lauren Ross
B. Physio (Hons)